

Priorities. What are they? What are yours? Do we think about this on a day to day basis anymore or do we just set it and forget it (our goals that is)? On this weeks episode of Alignment is the New Hustle I’m challenging each of my listeners to figure out two things that you…

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“You may not be able to control someones negative behavior, but you can control how long you participate in it and distance yourself from it.” We all know that one person, the negative Nancy who would rather talk about all the things they hate than all the things they love. The person who isn’t quick…

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“Feedback is helpful and constructive; criticism is hurtful and damaging.” What I’ve taken away from last year is that criticism is hurtful but feedback is helpful. The difference between criticizing and helping depends on your desired outcome. There are so many amazing professions in this world like, blogger, dancer, teacher, manager and so much more….

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